Bisnett Design Associates

Land Planning, Conservation and Development

We are a team of design professionals sharing a dedication to the conservation, stewardship and sustainable development of our most precious resource – the land. Founded by principal Brian Bisnett in 1984, BDA serves northern and central California from Grass Valley, in the northern foothills of the Sierra.

What We Do:

Mapping & Site Analysis

Good design requires accurate and detailed site information. Utilizing a wide range of mapping technologies, BDA helps clients obtain the fine-grained understanding of a site that is the foundation for successful planning and design, from ALTA surveys to site evaluations to multidisciplinary resource inventories… Read more

Land Use Planning & Landscape Architecture

Ideas are our stock in trade.  From single family homes on rural parcels, to multi-acre conservation projects, to mixed-use infill developments, we match the power of our imaginations with an understanding of the site to answer the question – what is a property’s highest and best use… Read more

Project Implementation

A great design is only the first step in a lengthy process. We can successfully see your project all the way from the design board  to the end of construction. Our services include:

  • Construction documentation: A good idea can’t become a great project without clear and complete construction documentation… Read more
  • Permitting and Entitlements: There are a lot of hoops to jump through to take a project from the drawing board to completion … Read more
  • Project Representation: The key to a project’s success is good communication … Read more

The Excelsior Project

Perhaps our most ambitious and successful conservation project to date, we assembled a unique partnership of public and private resources to permanently protect over 700 acres of prime riparian habitat along the lower Yuba River.

The Excelsior Project